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Stainless Steel S.O.S Talisman Necklet


1 x New Unisex Stainless steel SOS Talisman Capsule on a 22” chain.

SOS Model No 225-101

PLEASE NOTE …. Stainless steel is far better than the cheaper chrome versions. It does not tarnish, pit or loose any plating, therefore lasting for many years. S.O.S Talisman themselves highly recommend Stainless steel for people on medication.

Complete with all you need i.e. instruction leaflet, information strip, car sticker etc.

This item is a regular line, so we carry more than one in stock.

(HIGH SREET PRICE  -  £30.55)

Including FREE extra information strip.

PLEASE NOTE we have decided to replace the larger, cheap S.O.S plastic box with a much smaller one. The size/weight of the original box would have added to the postage/packing costs which would, in turn, cost you, the customer, more.

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